CARR CONSULTING has been an active participant in the emergence and recognition of Sensory Evaluation as a key component of product development and improvement functions U.S. and international companies. Statistically designed experiments and rigorous data analyses have helped integrate Sensory Evaluation into the mainstream of the product development process.
If you use discriminative, descriptive, or affective methods, alone or in combination, CARR CONSULTING can work with you on each step of your Sensory studies from: - Selecting appropriate research methods - Developing sensitive and bias free panel designs - Applying valid statistical analyses to separate panelist from product effects - Linking Sensory data with instrumental and consumer data
ultimately leading to an in-depth understanding of how experimental variables affect perceptible product characteristics and the dynamic relationships that exist in your products and processes. CARR CONSULTING has particular expertise in sizing Sensory studies, identifying both the number of samples and respondents needed to deliver sensitive research findings without wasting resources in either area.